Occupational Health and Wellbeing

From our base in East Anglia we provide our comprehensive range of Occupational Health and Wellbeing services throughout the Eastern Counties; from Suffolk to Northants and from Lincolnshire to London. When our customers require it, our reach stretches out across the UK too.

The protection of your workforce’s health is tremendously beneficial to their wellbeing and productivity, which in turn brings real benefits to your organisation and an excellent return on your investment in them.

You can be assured that our experience and knowledge contribute greatly to the high level of service we deliver. We offer a flexible approach, which meets your needs, from both contract and pay as you go services, coupled with all necessary due diligence concerning matters of confidentiality and data protection.

Gipping Services

Gipping Health and Wellbeing Check Icon

Health Surveillance

We offer a variety of health surveillance assessments to help employers comply with health and safety legislation such as the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 and the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005.

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Management Referrals

Our Management Referral and Case Management service is ideal for dealing with specific health and wellbeing issues which might be affecting attendance, performance, conduct or safety at work. A comprehensive consultation and assessment is undertaken and clear and relevant advice is provided in a written report.

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Gipping Hearing Tests Icon

Hearing tests

We are frequently engaged by employers to conduct hearing screening tests as part of their Health Surveillance Programme in relation to the Noise at Work Regulations 2005. We use professional audiometry equipment designed for this purpose and mostly tests are conducted within an audiometry booth to provide a quiet environment suitable for the test.

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Mental Health Support

Looking after your staff’s mental health is as important as protecting their physical health. That’s why we have developed our expertise in this field and offer a range of services to help and support people with managing their own mental health.

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Gipping Drug and Alcohol Testing

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Our comprehensive services assist you in safeguarding your employees and your organisation from the harmful impact of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. We offer onsite screening of breath, oral fluid, urine and hair with confirmation samples being sent for laboratory analysis where necessary. We can help you with random unannounced testing, routine screening and rapid response for cause testing.

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Gipping Health Promotion Icon

Health Promotion

The promotion and maintenance of physical, mental and social wellbeing has never been more important for your staff. Taking a holistic approach to achieving this in your business is a sound investment.

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Gipping Vaccinations Icon

Occupational vaccinations

We advise Organisations to adopt a risk-based approach to assessing the need for their employees to be vaccinated in relation to their work. Most commonly we are administering courses of Hepatitis B vaccines for people at risk of exposure to blood and body fluids containing blood, in roles such as health care workers, first aiders and those at risk of needle stick injury.

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We have developed a range of relevant training sessions which are complementary to the services we deliver. These lead to a better understanding of the subject and better staff engagement in various workplace health initiatives, which in turn means you get more value from the OH services you are buying.

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On site service delivery

For the greatest convenience our services are predominantly delivered at our customers’ sites utilising a suitable office or meeting room however, when these are unavailable, our fully equipped Occupational Health mobile unit offers the perfect facility to provide our comprehensive range of services on site, including hearing tests.

Whatever the size or location of your organisation, use of the mobile unit provides a flexible solution to accessing necessary Occupational Health, with minimum disruption to the working days and productivity of employees, saving both time and money.

When you have people to be seen urgently, before our next scheduled visit to your site, our regular clinics at Needham Market, Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds provide the ideal facilities for solving that problem too.

August 2022 Newsletter

August 2022 Newsletter

We have experienced a recent increase in requests for our Drug and Alcohol Testing Services as many organisations, that put their testing programmes on hold during 2020 and 2021 due to Covid 19, have decided to restart / catch up on testing. Others are addressing the issue for the first time due to increased awareness […]

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September 2021 Newsletter

September 2021 Newsletter

Revised Management Referral Documents We have made slight changes to our Management Referral Form and ask that you use this latest version with immediate effect by downloading it now using the link below. We have also included links to guidance notes for employers and employees as well as a health questionnaire. Whilst writing we have also taken […]

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Gipping Service Update

Gipping Service Update

This Health Surveillance and Clinical Assessments update is provided in the context of the new national restrictions due to start on 5th November 2020 Current guidance from the Health and Safety Executive states ‘for all health and medical surveillance, an adequate assessment of the worker should continue to take place with the provision of appropriate […]

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