Supporting you and your employees at this difficult time

How we can support you

Our Management Referral service continues to be a valuable service providing helpful advice and guidance on health-related matters that are impacting on an employee’s work.  In most cases we will be able to offer consultations remotely by telephone or video call.  As part of our experienced and skilled clinical team we have a Registered Mental Health Nurse.  Should you need to discuss a particular issue please do contact us as normal by calling 01449 766913 or email

Home Working

You may be advising many of your employees to work from home and it is good practice as part of this advice for employees to carry out a DSE assessment to ensure they set up their work area / station correctly.  To help with this we have an online DSE assessment that employees complete, this is a simple and cost effective way to ensure you meet the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.  If you would like to know more about this service please contact us by calling 01449 766913 or email

Employee Assistance Programmes

With so much uncertainty, many people will be feeling worried and concerned resulting in their mental wellbeing being impacted.  If you have an Employee Assistance Programme set up through Gipping OH and our EAP partner please be sure to promote this to your employees.  Your EAP can be accessed as normal through the online portal and 24/7 helpline providing a range of services including:

  • Private and confidential support for your employees and family
  • Emotional support with qualified counsellors
  • Practical advice on legal, financial, health, work and personal issues

If you don’t have an Employee Assistance Programme, it may be a service that could be of real benefit to your business and employees through these worrying times.  To find out more please contact us by calling 01449 766913 or email

Supporting Your Managers

Managers at all levels within business may be dealing with very different pressures than normal, including adjusting to different ways of working and supporting their team members.  There are also the pressures outside of work, worries about family members, including children and elderly relatives.  The impact on your managers should not be forgotten or underestimated and considering ways to support their resilience is important.  As part of how we are adapting to the challenges we all face we can offer support to your managers, with members of our clinical team providing telephone support, including a Registered Mental Health Nurse and members of our team who are trained Mental Health First Aiders who can offer support and guidance on a range of mental health issues.  To find out more about this new service please call us on 01449 766913 or email

Helpful Guidance

We will continue to share relevant and helpful guidance on a range of issues relating to Novel Coronavirus COVID-19, please see below some recent updates.

Looking after our wellbeing

Here are some links to information about selfcare that may be helpful to share.

Talking to children about Coronavirus

Here are some links that you might find useful to share with your colleagues who may be concerned about their children at this difficult time.