Featuring Health Risk Assessments, Antibody Testing, Mental Health Support, EAP Schemes
Returning to the Workplace
Employers across the country continue preparations to open their workplaces in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 Secure guidance.
The focus is on protecting the health of your employees, customers, visitors and contractors whilst doing everything practicable to avoid transmission of the disease.
When it comes to protecting employees with health conditions, for whom COVID – 19 poses a higher level of risk, your Occupational Health Partner can provide valuable advice and guidance. We can assess the Health Risks to those employees deemed more vulnerable due to pre-existing conditions or ongoing issues following COVID – 19 infection. Fitness for work of some of your employees may have changed since lockdown and we are here to provide a professional opinion and guide you to ensure your employees are healthy both physically and psychologically in the workplace. Furthermore, if you have changed the way your workplace operates we can advise on whether your health surveillance needs have changed too.
Our Clinical staff now offer SARS-CoV-2 rapid lateral flow immunoassay tests for detection of IgM and IgG antibodies (early and late markers) using finger prick blood samples and providing results in 10 minutes or less. The test is endorsed by experts at Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospitals and King’s College London. It is registered with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for use by Healthcare Professionals and CE marked.
To speak to us about a Healthy and Safe return to work please call 01449 766913 or email enquiries@gipping.co.uk.
Mental Health Support
At this time the people of the UK need more help with their Mental Health and Wellbeing than ever.
For many, the pandemic has taken its toll, leading to heightened levels of stress and anxiety, which may have been triggered by concerns such as health worries, financial difficulties, job security, bereavement, isolation, family relationships, concerns about leaving the home or worries about exposure to the virus at work, to name but a few.
Whatever is at the root of the difficulties being faced, we have bespoke Mental Health Support Packages to help your business and your staff, including sector-leading Employee Assistance Programmes, confidential helplines that help smooth out personal and work-related problems, whilst delivering excellent value.
Please call us on 01449 766913 to speak to us about developing a Mental Health Support Package that is most appropriate to your current needs or email us enquiries@gipping.co.uk.
We are always here to help you with all matters Work & Health-related.
- Health Assessments
- Health Surveillance
- Mental Health Support
- Management Referrals
- EAPs
- Drug & Alcohol Testing
- Training
- Vaccinations
For all other enquiries please see ways to get in touch with us on our contact page.